Friday, July 18, 2008

Literacy for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

More than one in five secondary education students with learning disabilities (21 percent) are five or more grade levels in reading below where they should be. These students have fewer opportunities to improve their reading once they leave public school. And the work world is demanding more and more literacy skills.

The National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities (NJCLD) just published a report titled "Adolescent Literacy and Older Students with Learning Disabilities." The report describes characteristics that are typical of the adolescent learner, organizational challenges of middle school and high school, and how these challenges can be met.
NJCLD: ..Adolescent Literacy and Older Students with Learning Disabilities: .. For more information on adolescent literacy, go to our sister website


Anonymous said...


i personally think learning disablitiy is an obstacle in kids growth.

cnoe said...

Goodparenting, thank you for your comment. Could you give give us some of your thoughts on how it is an obstacle?

Others may also want to comment on how it is an obstacle.