Sunday, July 4, 2010

Think Beyond the Label

Think Beyond the LabelSM is committed to making the business case for employing people with disabilities. We are a partnership of health and human service and employment agencies with federal grants, coming together to build a uniform national infrastructure and approach that connects businesses to qualified candidates with disabilities. Our goal is simple: to raise awareness that hiring people with disabilities makes good business sense. Employees with disabilities have unique, competitively relevant knowledge and perspectives about work processes, bringing different perspectives to meeting work requirements and goals successfully. Hiring someone who "thinks outside the box" might be thinking too small when there's an opportunity to hire someone who lives outside the box.

Health & Disability Advocates (HDA), a national nonprofit organization that promotes income security and improved health care access for children, people with disabilities, and low-income older adults, is spearheading the Think Beyond the Label campaign on behalf of more than 25 states and various national and regional organizations by serving as its fiscal agent. For more information about HDA or the collaborative, please email us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great posting! Thank you. Now, a favor to ask: I’m working on a book about growing up during the disability-rights revolution. I have a nibble from a publisher, but first I must collect a lot of Twitter and blog followers in the next 6 months! So please go to and and click “follow.” I promise to reward you. Thanks in advance.