Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities

Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities
As a business owner or operator, or someone thinking about opening a business, you may have wondered what you have to do to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Reaching Out to Customers with Disabilities, http://www.ada.gov/reachingout/intro1.htm course explains how the ADA applies to businesses in ten short lessons. Putting these lessons into practice will allow you to comply with the ADA and welcome a whole new group of customers to purchase your goods and services.
A free CD-ROM that contains a complete collection of DOJ's ADA materials is now available. Designed for easy use on laptop computers in the field, or other computers that lack high speed Internet access, the CD-ROM will make searching documents and identifying appropriate ADA information easier and more efficient. This CD is available to order online.

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