Monday, August 4, 2008

Web site for children with disabilities across the globe

Parents of children with disabilities living in India, Uzbekistan & across the globe can find a new resource-and hope-on the Internet. A new PACER Web site ( acts as a link to resources, organizations, program ideas and practices that can improve the lives of children with disabilities. The Web site provides information on the history of disability rights in the United States, as well as a list of links to resources and organizations in the U.S.A. and other countries that focus on helping children with disabilities.

The idea for the site developed from PACER's collaboration with professionals and government officials in India. Which began when PACER Executive Director Paula Goldberg visited families in India, met with government officials and toured programs for children with disabilities. PACER has also supported the creation of a new center on assistive technology for children and adults, scheduled to open September 13 at the Spastics Society of Karnatka (SSK) in Bangalore, India.

Creating a Web site was a way to exchange even more information & to collaborate & work toward the goal of improving the lives of children with disabilities around the world. In the future, PACER hopes to expand the amount of resources on the Web site specific to other countries. PACER has a global reputation for helping families of children with disabilities. More than 130 guests from 15 foreign countries have visited PACER in recent years.

PACER Center is a National Parent Center for families of children and youth with any disability or special health need. PACER's Web site is and its e-mail address is

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