Thursday, July 9, 2015

New Kid’s Book Explains That Talking About Disabilities Isn’t Taboo

One of the best ways to teach children about differences is to share children’s books that help to demystify disabilities. The stories provide something to talk about and help children to see that people that seem different are just like everyone else. One of our favorite new resources for helping children better understand those with disabilities is a book titled “It’s Ok to Ask!”.
This book was written by a team of experts at Gillette Children’s Specialty Health in St. Paul, Minnesota. It features five children each using a different adaptive device including a tablet to communicate, leg braces, a specialized bike, and a wheelchair. Throughout the book other children ask each one of them about their specific device. This conversationalist approach to demystifying disabilities is very natural to children and encourages them to ask when they have questions instead of making assumptions or staring in silence. The book also helps prove to children that others aren’t defined by their disabilities and are very much just like them.

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